Color Maps

Using demographic or statistical information provided by us or your own sources, we can design attractive color maps that vividly illustrate important relationships in high quality colors on paper sizes of 8-1/2″ x 11″ to large formats like 36″ x 72″ suitable for framing and display. Cost by quotation only.

U.S. Census Products

Customized reports of the U.S. population can be produced for various levels of geography, including block groups, census tracts, counties, MSA, ADI, state, and total U.S. The type of information available includes race, Hispanic origin, sex, age, ancestry, education, labor force participation, year of entry of foreign-born, number of households, household size, household income, household language, family composition, and numerous other items. Cost by quotation only

Demographic Reports

The most complete and reliable source of demographic information for the U.S. population continues to be the decennial census by the U.S. Census Bureau. Using information provided from each decennial census, Rincón & Associates can provide a quick response to your targeting needs for all racial/ethnic consumers. These products are available in a variety of formats, including ASCII , Exel and dBASE, printed reports, and color maps.